Whereas: House Bill 1504 would force gun owners in Washington State to obtain civil liability insurance as a requirement to buy a gun, insurance that is illegal to sell in our state; and
Whereas: House Bill 1504 requires gun owners who own more than 25 firearms to obtain individual policies on each and every firearm, and this policy could only come from the state; and
Whereas: House Bill 1504 requires gun ranges to obtain additional (likely unobtainable) insurance in a clear effort to close these gun rages down; and
Whereas: This is happening while violent crimes from rape to murder to aggravated assault are at near-term historic highs, enabled by current gun control laws that benefit criminals.
Therefore: As your constituent, I insist that you VOTE NO on House Bill 1504, knowing that this bill would only make it harder for innocent gun owners to defend themselves! Washington Gun Rights will keep me informed on your votes.