Jay Inslee’s next goal is to gut Washington’s pre-emption law! Our current laws ensure that every Washingtonian lives under the same gun laws regardless of where they are in the state.
If HB-1178/SB-5446 passes, every city in the state would have the power to pass their own gun control laws! This would lead to gun owners being ensnared in local laws that they didn’t know anything about while doing nothing to stop our epidemic crime wave!
It’s another slap in the face from our tyrannical Governor, and his tyrannical wife, who proudly testifies for gun control every chance she gets.
The bill has already had a hearing in the House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee!
But this is an election year, so we may still be able to defeat this garbage bill!
Help us do that by signing your OFFICIAL petition to your State Senator and State Representative insisting that they ‘VOTE NO’ on HB-1178/SB-5446 or any other bill that harms gun owners! When you’re done, join Washington Gun Rights!