Help Us Stop One Gun a Month!

Help Us Stop One Gun a Month!

The liberal policies of Jay Inslee have caused tremendous harm to our state, as we always knew they would. The violent crime wave sweeping our state is out of control. Instead of apologizing, Inslee is doubling down, sending his wife to testify in the House Civil...
Help Us Defend Pre-Emption Law!

Help Us Defend Pre-Emption Law!

Jay Inslee’s next goal is to gut Washington’s pre-emption law! Our current laws ensure that every Washingtonian lives under the same gun laws regardless of where they are in the state. If HB-1178/SB-5446 passes, every city in the state would have the power to pass...
Help Us Abolish the ATF!

Help Us Abolish the ATF!

Joe Biden is unleashing on gun owners, signing an Executive Orders that redefine what a gun dealer it, that makes felons out of gun owners who own unregistered pistol braces, even attacking gun owners who own 80% lowers in some cases! This is the kind of tyranny that...
Help Us Repeal the NFA!

Help Us Repeal the NFA!

Joe Biden and the tyrants at the ATF are using the National Firearms Act (NFA) to target law-abiding gun owners! Recently, Merrick Garland used the NFA as a justification for banning “pistol braces” without even a vote in Congress! The National Firearms Act (NFA) —...