Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer and the entire DC swamp want blood before November, and their agenda is passing the BRAND NEW “Assault Weapons” ban bill (HR8600/S3369), recently introduced by Congresswoman Lucy McBath, to OUTLAW the AR-15 and hundreds of other firearms! But...
Stop Red Flags From Passing in Washington, DC!

Stop Red Flags From Passing in Washington, DC!

Congresswoman Lucy McBath is working to pass “Red Flag Gun Seizures”  before the November elections — and she already has almost 150 cosponsors! H.R. 3018 would allow liberal judges to hear bogus complaints against you and then order the seizure of your firearms...
Biden Wants to Outlaw Firearms Training!

Biden Wants to Outlaw Firearms Training!

Calling it ‘paramilitary activity,’ the Biden Administration is pushing legislation that would make it a felony crime to train with AR-15s in organized groups! The bill, S. 3589, is pure tyranny and would: — Make it a crime to train with an AR-15 with three or...
Oppose Inslee’s Agenda in Olympia or Pay the Price!

Oppose Inslee’s Agenda in Olympia or Pay the Price!

Whereas: HB-2054 would make it a crime for law abiding gun owners in Washington State to buy more than one firearm a month, even though criminals wouldn’t be stopped by this; and Whereas: HB-1178 would repeal Washington’s pre-emption law, which would allow every city...
Help Us Defend Pre-Emption Law!

Help Us Defend Pre-Emption Law!

Jay Inslee’s next goal is to gut Washington’s pre-emption law! Our current laws ensure that every Washingtonian lives under the same gun laws regardless of where they are in the state. If HB-1178/SB-5446 passes, every city in the state would have the power to pass...