Biden Issues 2024 Threat!

Wednesday, January 31st, 2024

Chip in $10

Just last week, Joe Biden issued yet another direct threat aimed at our Second Amendment rights. 

During a speech in Charleston, he told everyone exactly what he intends to do:

  1. Ban So-called “Assault Weapons Ban”
  2. Pass a Magazine Ban
  3. Institute National Gun Registration

WATCH THIS 12 SECOND CLIP . . . then forward this email to everyone you know!

The stakes for our Second Amendment rights in 2024 are higher than they’ve ever been.

And I hope you’ll continue to stand with us!

Please JOIN or RENEW your membership in Washington Gun Rights for 2024, if you’ve yet to do so!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Washington Gun Rights

Categories: Latest News


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