Urgent: Your 2023 WGR Membership is Expiring!

Sunday, December 31st, 2023

Chip in $10

I hope that as you read this email, you’re enjoying a New Year’s Eve celebration with your friends and family as we wind down 2023 and get ready for 2024!

But while you’re celebrating and thinking ahead to your future, don’t forget that the enemies to our freedoms are making plans for your future, too.

And their idea for the future of this wonderful country is one where you and I are unarmed and helpless, where only the government and criminals have access to firearms.

Gun owners control the House in Congress, but that hold is tenuous. And we all know that Jay Inslee has a massive attack on our gun rights in mind for next session.

Make no mistake: there’s a big fight coming in 2024!

So if you’ve already renewed your membership for next year, thank you for standing up for the Second Amendment.

But if you haven’t, time is running out. Please hit the link below and renew your support before your membership expires at midnight tonight!


Your 2023 membership will expire in seven hours, act now!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Washington Gun Rights

P.S. Your 2023 membership in Washington Gun Rights will expire in just seven hours — renew your support for 2024 immediately!

Categories: Latest News


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